Christianity Culture and Society Faith Philosophy Spirituality Spirituality in the Ordinary

What is the most important thing?

A reflection on money, power, Succession, and the meaning of life.

Christianity sermons What actually is the good news

Easter Sermon

No-one knew it was Holy Saturday that first time. No-one who lived through Good Friday would have called it anything but evil, terrible, destructive. The end of all that they had hoped for. All that excitement – the drama of being called and leaving everything to follow this new rabbi, the gradual buildup of the […]

Christianity Faith Religion sermons Spirituality Story

Who Do You Say That I Am?

In difficult times, our simplistic answers stop working. What is life all about? What big story am I part of?

Christianity Failure sermons Spirituality Spirituality in the Ordinary Suffering


When we picture Jesus entering Jerusalem, do we imagine the whole of the city turning out to celebrate the arrival of the Messiah? Or is there something altogether stranger happening? What does it all mean?

Christianity Faith sermons

For God so loved the world

Do you actually know what John 3:16 means? I was shocked to discover that I didn’t, until a few days ago. Also: what on earth do snakes have to do with it?

Christianity Culture and Society Faith sermons

The Real Temple

The Second Temple was destroyed almost two thousand years ago, but the temptation to think that God has a house, that anything other than Jesus is where we could seek God’s presence, remains as strong as ever.

Christianity Culture and Society sermons

Conspiracy Theories, Suffering, and the Transfiguration

Am I right in thinking that Conspiracy Theories are an attempt to escape legitimate suffering? And what do they have to do with the Transfiguration?

Christianity Culture and Society Film sermons Spirituality in the Ordinary

Discipleship and the Camino de Santiago

Eleven years ago, in the Good Old Days, I walked the Camino de Santiago for 800 km across Spain. I was strongly reminded of it by this week’s Gospel story when Jesus sets out on his journey to preach and heal across Galilee

Christianity sermons Spirituality

Jesus Heals

One Saturday morning almost two thousand years ago, a locally famous young man walked into the synagogue of his adopted hometown. What happens next will amaze you!

Christianity Faith sermons Spirituality in the Ordinary

Mary Said Yes

The story of how Mary became Jesus’ mother is difficult. It’s crammed full of miracles that we find hard to believe in, and angelic figures, who might be even worse, and, to top it all off, it is layered over with hundreds of years of religious art and saccharine Christmas cards and frankly sexist attitudes towards women. The story manages to be both so familiar that we can’t hear it for what it is, and simultaneously even more alien than John the Baptizer in the Judean scrub dressed up like a caveman. And yet, something still resonates. It still matters that Mary said “yes.”